Content Sharing Reimagined @ Vedantu

Learning is a lifelong process. For most of us who believe in formal schooling and supplementary education, learning can never be completed without assessment. For enabling great learning, periodic assessment  is equally important. If we can pinpoint to the strong and weak areas of a student, customizing a study plan to suit his/her needs becomes much easier. We at Vedantu, strongly believe in solving everyday problems for learners and teachers and thus, we created our own Learning Management System (LMS) recently.

It has been 2 months since we launched our LMS (Learning Management System) and it has been an amazing ride to see the product being used in unique ways by our teachers and students.

Why we built the LMS? In our user research, there were few Key problem areas that we identified with Content Sharing and Tests/Assignments:

  • Content Creation – Teachers did not have any easy tool to create  personalized content (tests, assignments, notes) and share with the student on Vedantu
  • Content Sharing – Teachers could not share tailored content as per the requirements of the student and the topics taught, which resulted in students  not receiving enough tests, assignments to practice on time.
  • Content Consumption Interface – Test/Assignment sharing, attempt and evaluation interfaces were not intuitive and had very few options that led to offline sharing and submissions with no tracking.
  • No Tracking and Reports – Students and teachers did not have the progress tracking and reports at one place.

Tests and assessments play an important role in the entire learning cycle for a school student. Assessments inspire teachers to ask these important questions:

  •  Are we teaching what we think we are teaching?
  • Are students learning what they are supposed to be learning?
  • Is there a better way to teach the subject, thereby encouraging better learning?

Hence, we came up with the following solutions to address the problems and concerns:

  • Completely new LMS for teachers – Teachers can now create their own personalized tests/assignments/notes to suit the learning needs of their students. Teachers can unleash their creativity and create interesting tests and assignments for students.
  • All Types of Tests/Notes – Students shall now get objective, subjective and mixed tests along with Assignments and study material from their teachers for practice
  • Easy interface for the attempt – Students can now easily attempt tests/assignments from desktop or mobile. Students can type answers, take a photo of the written answers, add attachments, record audio or video answers. This helps students in reinforcing the concepts they have learned and also help them in gauging their learning.


  • Track Progress – Students can now attempt and track all their tests/assignments/notes from a single page. Now they can view the report of each test and assignment attempted, anytime!

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Now that we have our awesome teachers using our LMS for more than 2 months, we have some great practical stories to share…

4777426902056960 “LMS was something I always wanted as I was not really happy with the kind of ready-made tests we had before. I wanted to create my own tests. Initially, it took a little time to understand the process but now I am very comfortable. 

Tests and assignments are integral part of teaching – learning process. With subjective test, I am able to check the student’s’ ability to comprehend whereas objective tests are the best way to test learning outcome in a quick, time-saving manner. Auto evaluation of objectives is such a boon that combination of objective and subjective test helps me to handle assessment of a number of students at once.” –  Sweta Rai

Bhavdeep “I have used LMS enough to be able to use it in a very effective manner. I am very comfortable with it now.

During a class, I set the expectation to complete a test by the coming weekend. Weekends being a little light, are the best time that they can attempt the test with full enthusiasm. Even though I set the expectation to finish a test by the coming weekend, I set expiry date to at least 2 weeks. Due to unforeseen circumstances (school load, sick, travel, guests etc), a student might not be able to get time to finish test on time. I don’t want them to complete it just for the sake of it. If they can’t finish it by the weekend, they can finish it later.

Student reaction is positive. Many students and parents remind me if I fail to provide a test on time. Attempt ratio is very high. Its not 100% because there are students who are taking class for casual learning right now and want to take serious classes later (eg. one student based in Toronto paid for OTF, never attends it, gets the video and watches later. He has plans for serious Physics studies starting in a month).

In case of OTF, it also helps me gauge myself. If a few students in a batch have performed poor, then I have to improve them. But, if most of them have performed poor, then I need to improve myself. I did a poor job in explaining the concept to the class.LMS helps me gauge the level to which a student has understood a concept.I can then plan to either revise the concept with student or move on to the next one.

I do see a few shortcomings and have suggested a few enhancements. If they are implemented, my productivity would increase. But the current product, as it stands now, is a good tool in itself.” – Bhavdeep Sethi

Santoshi “LMS is very comfortable for me as I can prepare my own question paper and assignments for my students depending on their individual capability. I am having freedom to choose questions for designing a question paper which consists of all type of questions varying from easy to difficult. I am including reasoning type questions, concept based questions and HOTS questions.

Students are very eager to take test as they want to evaluate themselves. Most of the students attempt shared tests and assignments within 12 hrs, this shows their willingness in taking test.

Evaluation is very easy, in case of MCQ, True/False, Match their is an auto evaluation option, and also I can add a comment for wrong and correct answers, because of this student will get to know their mistake once they finish their test.

I share a test with my students after every topic completion.  From their test results, I get to know how clear are they with the concept and what topics they are facing difficulties with. I discuss the difficult topics in my next session and clear students’ doubts. This makes the student and teacher self satisfied. Student will be very confident in taking test at their schools.” – Santoshi Gururajan

manisha “Prior to this tool, it was difficult to send tests, assignments, notes and similar tasks through mails or phone. It was equally difficult to keep the track of them.This process has become relatively convenient and easier now. This tool is very simple and easy to use. Though there is one time effort to create tests and assignments but once we create them, we can use the same with many students that s reduces my workload by leaps and bounds. Students are also very enthusiastic and zealous to learn via this tool. Though the attempt ratio is little less, but I must say it is increasing day by day.

Moreover, interesting fact is that students are asking me to share the homework without fail. This tool is really helping me a lot to set the goals for my students. They can see their grades and they can improve their grades by keeping track of their marks.” – Manisha Bhala

Easy & Useful Tips to Revise the Syllabus in a Day

Examinations are approaching and nightmares have already started paying visits to many students at nights. You want to go through each subject before the outset of the examination days. You devoted all your time, but it seems almost impossible to review all the contents of the chapter in such a short time. If it is the same story with you, then we have come up to give you a hand.

Just bring the following changes in your way of preparation and you will enable yourself to take up examinations with high ounces of confidence.

Befriend Your Clock

Befriend Your Clock .gif

Start by making a timetable and follow it religiously. Divide the chapters according to the score value. Some topics may be too long, but stand rare chances of being asked in the exam, keep them for the last. As you have limited time, so it becomes utmost necessary to utilize each second of the hour wisely.

Make Space for Yourself

read in a library.gif

It is important to find a peaceful place to study. The place you choose should be away from all the distractions and the crowd. Places like a library or any other silent room work best. An appropriate environment connects the mind to work. A calm and relaxed mind works more efficiently and with greater concentration.

Make Quick Notes

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You have countable hours and you should not kill time by writing down long and beautiful notes. Try keeping your notes short & clear yet informative. Make flowcharts, diagrams, tables and bullet points. You can also use mnemonics and slangs for the quick recapitulation.

Effective Time Utilization

Time is running

Be wise, and make your time plan effectively. It is not the time to touch new topics. New things take a lot more time to be understood and this hampers the entire plan. Instead, devote that time in re-revising the learned topics and cement them in your memory.

Take Breaks

Take some Break

Our brain also experiences fatigue as our body. If you overload it, it begins to lose the information stored. It is advisable not to sit and study for long hours constantly. You can take naps, listen to soothing music, go for a walk or take breaks to grab a bite. Monitor the time and keep it short.

Take up a Test

Take a Test.gif

Questions from previous years’ paper and classroom tests are of extreme use. You should try 4-5 papers for each subject. These papers provide a good collection of questions and you can also check your preparation while solving them. Fix the hours for completion and act honestly.

Say Bye to the Hi-Tech World

Say no to Hi-Tech

Limit your time spent on the social networks and web surfing.  Also, try to keep a minimal dependency on gadgets and the Internet. Although you can make a good use of the Internet by solving online papers or watching videos around question solution, avoid doing it at the last moment. Make sure you also reduce your dependency on the calculator with small calculation hacks.

Eat Healthy


Eat healthy

Food is the fuel for your brain. Do not compromise with meals. Avoid junk food as they release free radicals and leads to slow brain damage. Eat fresh and healthy food to energize your brain. Items like fruits, eggs, green vegetables, peas and pulses are full of nutrients and work best.



You have been working too hard, so take up activities to distress your body and mind. Sit upright, fold your hands and do breathing exercises. It will improve blood circulation to your brain. You will also get rid of impatience and uneasiness, which takes you long way in the examination hall.

Work with Art

sticky notes

Make stick-on and flashcards to memorize important dates, events, definitions and formulas. It is easy to carry them anywhere and revise. Revising multiple times assure building a great memory of it and this would definitely help you reduce retrieval time in the examination hall.

Don’t let examinations provoke panic, make a smart move. We are sure these tips from Vedantu will definitely help you in revising the syllabus quickly and maintaining the peace of mind. Excellence can only be achieved through confidence and determination.


7 Easy Tips for Parents to Positively Motivate kids


“Of course motivation is not permanent. But then, neither is bathing; but it is something you should do on a regular basis.” – Zig Zigler

Everyone needs motivation, be it a grown-up person or a child. Motivation is what that drives us to the path of success. We have often seen great leaders motivate people to start a revolution of change. So, what is motivation and why is it so necessary?

According to the Oxford dictionary motivation has been defined as ‘a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way’. So, from the definition, it is clear that motivation does not always mean something positive. This is the same thing with parents who find it difficult to motivate their children to study. More often parents stick to the method of ‘carrot and stick’, which tends to do more harm than good to the kids.

As a parent, you must be worried if your child comes home with a report card that shows that his performance has been poor. No matter how many tuitions or professional courses you are providing him/her with, it does not seem to help. It is enough to make any parent worried and have sleepless nights with nightmares about his/her child’s career. This is when motivation plays an important role in making your child’s future bright. Here are seven steps that will help parents to motivate their children to do better:

1- Learn what your child wants

You cannot motivate your child in the right direction if you do not know his/her interests. First of all, parents should know that they should not enforce their interest upon their children. Some children are better at mathematics while some are good at humanities. Remember, if you understand what your child wants to do (academically), then you can motivate him/her to be good in that field and he/she will react positively.

2- It is always best to make your child self-motivated

Motivation is not a button which can be pressed and magical things happen. You cannot transfer motivation. So it is necessary for you to understand that your child needs to be self-motivated. What you can do is show him the path that will lead to the destination and he/she should work towards reaching it from within and that’s the motivation we are talking of.

3- Try to have an open and friendly relationship

The best parents are also good friends to their children. They are always open in their relationship and respect the opinions of their children. As good friends do various activities together, you can associate with your children on some activities of common interest. This will help strengthen the bond and let them speak their heart out to you. Try and know how they feel about various things related to academics. Help them with their homework and play with them.

4- Identify your child’s weaknesses

Learning about your child’s weakness, if they have any, will help you to carve out plans accordingly. You can then plan on the ways that will motivate your children by accepting the truth about their learning behaviour and interests. Handle it carefully and do not show that they are poor in such matters. Try to grow confidence and give the examples of how you overcame your fears.

5- Be firm but do not get angry

 If your child is making mistakes, do not get furious. This will instil fear and demotivate them. Be firm to show that it is wrong to do certain things that harm them in the long run but do not get angry on them for making mistakes. Making mistakes is also a way to learn new things, encourage your kids not to repeat same mistakes.

 6- Celebrate your child’s achievements

There is nothing more motivating to your child than celebrating and rewarding them for their achievements. Take them to their favourite entertainment park, buy them their favourite toy or treat them to their heart’s content. Celebrate all those achievements of your child, no matter how big or small they are. Everyone likes to be recognised. Don’t you want to be recognised when you achieved something in your workplace? It is all human.

7-Take him on learning and knowledge tours and trips

Supplement their learning. Go on a trip that provides your kid with a lot of learning on the field. It can be anywhere like a museum or a science centre. It may even be taking a trip to one of the places where he can enjoy the beauty of nature or learn about the achievements of famous personalities. These type of trips and tours are better if they connect with the interests of your child. This will do a lot in motivating your child.

The success to effectively motivate is to be positive with your dealings. If you lose faith in yourself, you can never successfully motivate someone else. When it comes to your children, it is of a more sensitive thing. Keep the above points in your mind and you will see your child become motivated to perform well academically and in extra-curricular activities. The crux is – be positive no matter what, to motivate others around you!

How to make your fidgety child learn effectively?

Watching your child achieving milestones in his/her life is a bliss and we always expect to see their constant progressing victory. Just as a coin has two faces and one flips over another, similarly our kids also turn obnoxious when something upsets them. We need to stay prepared for the darker sides of our children’s mood. It is necessary to understand their behavior and act in the right manner.

Most of the problems arise when we fail to relate to their issues. A school-goer goes through several transitions both mentally and physically. In such situation, it becomes a fight to make them study.

We need to follow some simple tricks to tackle such chaos and today, we are going to talk just about it.

  1. Give attention to the problem rather than emphasizing on the consequent aggression. The problem should be eradicated deep down from the roots in order to block it from flourishing furthermore.
  2. Make a kick start from pulling them out from the thinking process that runs through their mind at that moment. Talk about the things they like the most or they do the best.
  3. Be a motivating parent. Over criticism builds up negativity in their minds. Empower them to accept your virtues by listening what they want from you.
  4. Do it in a playful fashion. You know that you love them the most and it is the right time to express that. Cuddle them, mimic their activities, cook for them, pamper them, etc.
  5. Reward them for the good behavior.
  6. Set time for different activities. This ensures them that you take care of all the needs that are important for them.
  7. Befriend your child. Hang out with them, appreciate their attempts.
  8. Keep an eye on them so that they do not get distracted while studying. It also makes them alert. Do not go harsh while pointing out instead help them to stay attentive.
  9. Cultivate the sense of competition with a positive approach. Show them that how awesome one can become if they perform well.
  10. Keep your explanations restricted to short sentences. Deliver a clear, simple and lasting message that stays in their mind.
  11. Work along with them to rule out the difficulties that trouble them and pushes away.
  12. Participate to develop skills which they lack.
  13. Tell them that it is normal and everyone faces problems while learning. This will strengthen their will to put in efforts.
  14. Share success stories of great personalities with them, who succeeded after facing failures in their lives.
  15. Try word games, flow charts, pictorial representations and other interesting methods of learning that dissolve the dullness they encounter.
  16. Put examples from day-to-day life for better and easier understanding.
  17. Inculcate the habit of writing down notes. isn’t it a proven fact, practice makes a man perfect?
  18. Teach them that whatever they study now, they’ll be able to implement in later stages of life.
  19. Restrict yourself from getting involved in any fun activity around them, while they are studying.
  20. Share their failure just like you brag about their success.

We are sure most of you must be using the above-mentioned points with your school-goers. If not, try them out, it will help you to get closer to your child and you will find it easier to deal with them. Be a smart parent and work in collaboration with your child to win over the hurdles that stop them from reaching the paramount.

Image courtesy – Google Image.

Work Hard and Work Smart!

Hard work is the golden path to success, and that is no exaggeration. Hard work is also the most powerful tool that one can use, to become successful. It can stand head and shoulders above even luck and intelligence.

Hard work is especially important for young children. Young minds find everything fascinating! Be it the colors of the rainbow or the reason behind 1 + 1 = 2. It will surprise you to know that these questions are worked on, by scientists and mathematicians, day and night. Such work is “hard work”, and only such commitment will be able to produce Einsteins and Newtons. Or, for that matter, even a Mark Zuckerberg or Narayana Murthy.

The virtue of hard work is subjective. What our parents called hard work, might not be enough for us today, or it might be too redundant for us. For instance, hard work in our parents’ age meant sifting through thick volumes so as to write an essay. These days, such vast knowledge is available on the internet, with just a few clicks. Besides, it will take only a fraction of the time that our parents might have taken, a generation ago!

Parents and teachers are often guilty of pressurizing children to work hard. Poor grades are seen as the result of laggard work. So, children are forced to put in many hours at the study table, in order to “study harder”. This does two things: it makes the child feel his or her effort was worthless and drains him or her mentally and physically.

Instead of forcing children to slog it out at their desks, we must encourage children to study hard while studying smart! What does it mean to study smart? It means to study for less time, but to study effectively.

Smart work

(Image Source – Quora)

Here are some great tips to study smart:

Understand the big picture – then, the small details will make more sense. Look at lessons on the world war through a wide lens, understand its effects, the circumstances of its breaking out; then the minor details of the war will make more sense, and you’ll easily be able to recollect it in the exam hall!

Smaller hacks:

When you study something new, teach it to someone. Teaching a subject imprints the subject matter in your mind. No wonder our teachers are so good at the subjects they teach, eh?

Use imagery when studying. For instance, imagine people talking to each other in the ‘Christmas Carol’ play, imagine blocks arranging themselves to understand geometry.


(image source –

Make mind maps, flowcharts that help in interconnecting topics. When you interlink parts of a subject, it becomes an easily digestible organic whole. That will make you a master of that subject!

Don’t spend too much time studying before exams – it will stress you out. Instead, study regularly. Have a timetable and follow it religiously. At the same time, ensure that your timetable is actually workable. It must be easy to follow. Give yourself time to play, time to read storybooks, time to watch a good movie, etc.


(image source – Pinterest)

Last, but not the least, never give up. To quote Babe Ruth, “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up!”

Hard work is not hard, it’s a methodical way of approaching a problem. Hard work may be confused with long hours spent with books. Hard work, however, is a magical mixture of working smartly and being disciplined to the point of perfecting your skills through practice!

To conclude, always remember, “There is no substitute for hard work.” – Thomas Edison

How to Make Your Homework Less Boring

Time spent in school with friends is well spent. Once we leave school and reach home, we bring loads of work to drop-off our pleasure. We find doing homework as the dullest and tiring task of the day. It keeps us away from our loved ones and all the fun activities. Have we ever thought of converting this dull and boring act into a jubilant one! A smart move can cut his load and at the same time helps in improving grades. Looks like a bonanza!

We helped Alia to win over this.

Let’s find out those magical steps that can change our nightmare into a golden dream.

It takes two to tango

family study time

Sitting alone and gazing in the books is the depressing thing for Alia. She used to open books and end up dreaming about those ice cream parlors and fun rides. The clock goes round and round and she is left with less time to study and almost no time to play. It is well said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Sitting with parents and older siblings keep us motivated and centered. They turn out to be the quick and easy access to our difficulties. This united participation makes the surrounding cheerful and enchanted. At the same moment, it creates a friendly bond among the family.

Work like a warrior

Work like warrior

It is wise to keep things at hand. It takes a lot of time in digging through the satchel and shelves in search of things. Giving a few minutes at the beginning to organize the tools that we may need in between the work, saves us from wasting a big amount of time later. It also keeps Alia away from momentary distractions. This early practice pays a lot in life and brings out a winner. Organization is the skill that is seen in most of the successful persons.

Medicine of music

music medicine

After all the tedious work in the school, Writing looks like a tiring and exhausting job for both mind and body. Alia adopted the theory of music in sync with the theories of physics and history. Bob Marley has a statement to share, “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” Just to keep in mind that overdose of anything can do less good and more harm.

Make use of technology


Many people may have contrary views in using gadgets while studying, but instead of avoidance we should make good use of them. In the era of advancing science and technology, We cannot keep ourselves deprived of it. Ever since a person brings the gadgets in good use, it will make the best of it forever. Whenever Alia finds things difficult to understand, she switches in the world of internet and in no time, grasps all the things with a clear understanding. In this way, we can connect the text with the virtual world.

Divide and rule

divide n rule

It is the tool that works in almost every situation. By this, we mean segmentation of verbal and written work or taking small breaks in between working on different subjects. (A point to remember – Keep breaks, short and minimal). It rejuvenates the powerhouse of our body and freshen up our thinking process.

Using these simple steps in the routine, everyone can bring the joy of learning in the life. It is easy to run away, but staying and winning over the situation is the best decision taken.

Hope you find it interesting and useful.

Pic Credits – Google Images.