Help Your Child Fight Stress and Anxiety

Stress is a condition, where your body carries out hormonal response against an unfriendly situation. It is not always harmful. It prepares the mind for either, ‘fight or flight’. Students who are able to counter it, come out as an excellent winner. Sometimes, this hormonal discharge surpasses the optimal threshold and causes dreadful feelings. These feelings appear when the child is unable to fight back in an optimistic way. The actual trouble arises when the stressful entity begins to hover around the child. In such situation, a child finds it hard to get through and loses his main aim.

If you notice some unusual habits or activities developing in your child, then you must help him/her to cope with stress. We have mentioned some signs that can help you figure out if your child is showing some symptoms of stress. It is a must to study your child’s behavior carefully. Do not make any hasty conclusion until you have observed a group of symptoms simultaneously over a period of time. Stress management starts right from identifying the signs and symptoms in the child.

Once you have found that your child is stressed, you should plan on helping him/her out, here are a few ways that can help you do that –

Spend quality time – Stress can germinate from the feeling of being neglected. Children may hesitate to approach when parents are busy in their own work all the time. It may look difficult to go out, play, sit back and talk for hours after a tiring day at the office, but spending time with kids gives a feeling of security and concern to them. Listening to their activities at school helps to chalk out a better plan of indulgence for them.

Create a positive environment – A stressed person gets entrapped in negative thoughts. It may get exacerbated and give rise to depression and withdrawal from love and fun. In extream cases, children can also develop suicidal tendencies. In such a scenario, parents should accept the flaws and help the child in rectifying. Criticism should be taken over by understanding and support. Parents should inculcate the spirit of confidence. They should motivate their kids and teach them to stand over again after any fall or fail.

Group activities – Pamper your child by participating in their daily activities. Help them in their studies, play with them, take them for outings, organize a get together for their friends at home, etc. If your child is facing problem in performing well for the upcoming sports event, join them. Even if you cannot participate, be a spectator and cheer them up throughout the practice sessions. A caring and loving parent can help them more than any medical help.

Healthy from within – As mentioned, a child under stress tends to skip meals and that can cause health issues. It can deteriorate their health. A proper watch should be kept on their eating habits. Make sure to serve them healthy food that keeps the mind active and body energetic.

Share stories – Bedtime stories take a child to the dreamland. Similarly, stories of great warriors or cases of common people who achieved victory after several defeats act as a catalyst in keeping their morale high. They learn the theory of ‘never give up’ and that boosts their conviction.

We hope these simple points from Vedantu along with parental support can pull out your child from the stressful situation. Remember, stress is not a disease, it’s the way of your body to show that things are going out of reach, hurry up and nip the stress in the bud!

Revision Made Easy With Five Simple Tricks

Teachers always grapple with how to help their students recall and revise their subjects. Indeed, it is true that revision is probably the best way to imprint facts and concepts in one’s mind. But, unquestionably, revision has been boring for the most part. Here, we give you our revision strategy that works like a charm when preparing for tough examinations. Word of caution: this is for the strong hearted and strong willed.

Tip 1: Recapitulate and help them revise often

It may sound cliché, but it’s scientifically proven that revising regularly exponentially boosts the retention capacity of a student. Have a look:

Tip 2: Help students make good notes

Quite simple, right? Not really. Teachers must encourage students to make notes from a 200-page book, and condense that to be 10 pages long. Then, have the students condense it further, to be 5 pages long. While you do this, ensure that the students’ notes continue to make sense and that they cover all important aspects in the 200-page book. This requires patience and a sound understanding of the subject, so in the process, the students will learn tons as well as become more organized.

We understand that making notes is a craft, and not all students can slip into it easily. So, for starters, teachers must motivate students to make legible and self-made notes in their notebooks while they are being taught. Students could leave a margin for scribbling down topics that they didn’t understand, or topics that they would like to explore further. Students must also be encouraged to use a pencil or colored pen to underline important keywords, which they come across in their second reading of the notes that they took down in class. Didn’t we say these tricks are for the strong-willed?

Tip 3: Advice to revise just before bedtime

This obviously cannot be enforced, but students must try this out since it definitely works. Timely and sound sleep is very important to consolidate the memory. The best thing to do before you go to bed is to go through some flashcards or review your mindmaps. This would create a conscious memory, which is cemented by the deep sleep. To further enhance their memory, we ask the students to try & recall the information shortly after you wake up.

Tip 4: Teach them how to teach!

Encourage students to form little groups, and teach each other concepts from the subject. This is otherwise known as “group studies”. Teachers can also encourage students to explain topics to the class. It could be a contest, where students explain things to the best of their ability to the class. In case they make mistakes, teachers may point it out politely or call up another student to clarify the mistake. Teachers must make it a point to give bonus points if the students conduct quizzes on the subject. These methods are bound to make revision more exciting and certainly nowhere close to being mundane!

Tip 5: Solve question papers

That’s right, the best way to revise for a test is to write tests. Encourage students to take up as many mock tests as possible. This will not only prepare them for the stress of examinations but will also help them recollect facts and figures better, in the future.

Studying a subject can be fun, revising it is said to be tedious. But, not anymore. The responsibility of making revision efficient and fun for the students lies with us the teachers and parents. Revision of any topic is the time of fine tuning one’s knowledge on the same. It is also the time for pursuing the subject to the next level, so as a post script, we would recommend that teachers must encourage students to read widely on any given topic. Not only will this arouse interest in the subject as a whole, it will also help students to understand and revise the subject better.

We believe our tried and tested tips will definitely help your students revise and organize their knowledge better. More importantly, these will help students prepare for exams in the most stress-free way!


Vedantu is running hugely-popular revision courses for students in standard 9th and 10th in Science and Mathematics. Revise the tough topics with a personal teacher and see the difference of personalized attention in your academic performance.