Tapp – Our Teacher’s App is Live!

The world is going mobile, then why should our teachers stay behind??? We realized the need of the hour and came up with this all new Android app for our teachers – Tapp! The app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store on your Android device and it runs to perfection!

With this new app, your life as a teacher, is made more sorted and you can connect with your students in no time. The app empowers you with right tools to see the entire list of your students, interact and share files with them.


You can login to your teacher account on Vedantu from the app.


See the entire list of students you have taught at one place, you can see who all are online and chat instantly with them. Else, you can also send messages for the offline students.


The app will allow you to chat instantly, share informative links and solve student queries in a jiffy.

4_status                       Web Status Setting

You will also be able to set your status as Online/Offline via this app and from the Vedantu website as well. Now being online to chat or changing your status to receive offline messages from students is made easier.

Our RDX (Research, Develop and Explore) team is constantly working on the app’s beta version to make it more feature enriched and useful for you all awesome teachers.

Download the app and experience the instant connectivity!

Shoot us an email at – atom@vedantu.com for any concerns, ideas and suggestions.